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My First HDR…

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My First HDR…

  • irishshagua

    Ok so I kinda missed the rush when everyone was doing their thing. I’m sometimes a little slow… :? I’ll probably be finding out about the joys of U2 next, haha.
    Anyways, it took me a while to find a good photo to give it a bash at. I’d appreicate your comments on the conversion. I know the pic ain’t great. Compositionally its pretty poor actually. It was literally just a snap of a ceiling in an old chinese village that I was at during the summer but I want to know if I got the whole HDR thingy right.


    HDR Version

    Cheers for looking anyways


    Brian i think as far as the HDR conversion goes the second one works the best imo.



    Cheers, I always think that the HDR things look over-saturated…. I tried to be as subtle as I could with this while still bringing out the blues in the ceiling. And cloning that bloody photomatix phrase :roll: …. :lol:



    Not bad… it seems to have done the job. I’ve been meaning to give this a go myself.
    I was wondering did you create this from three separate photos or did you just edit the original twice in PS or something and then combine them? I always thought it must be possible to do it all in post from one photo. Possible thought not really traditional.

    Does anyone know if that’s right?

    Also… Emmm, Mick… you do know the first picture was the original yes?


    Looks like a pretty good conversion to me. Plenty of fine detail and contrast going on there.

    I usually create a HDR from one RAW file. Just open the RAW file in Adobe Camera RAW, adjust the exposure to the required setting and save as an uncompressed TIF file. Repeat for the required exposures. Usually I might work with 3 exposures (-2,0,2) or 5 exposures (-2,-1,0,1,2). This approach may result in more noise in your finally HDR conversion than working of bracketed shots directly from the camera.

    You can also do it with JPG. In PS Image – Adjustments – Exposure but because the image is compressed to start with your results may suffer.


    Hi Brian,
    I see you’re trying the HDR, that’s a very good effort. I’m still not very sure that I’m a big fan of HDR. So far I’ve had result varying from reasonable to dreadful, but one must keep trying. The good lady has suggested that I can be very trying at times :( One tip that has been suggested, is to use a low ISO when taking shots. It reduces the chance of serious noise which is my main problem. Are you using Photomatix? have you tried exposure blending, it doesn’t seem to suffer from noise problems.


    Cheers for the comments everyone, and the helpful hinters.

    The original was just a jpeg that I overexposed and underexposed by about one stop (as far as I remember) in Photoshop and then the HDR stuff was done in Photomatix.

    Cheers again

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