Came across this community wedding in the foothills of Mt.Apo near Davao, southern Mindanao, Philippines. We were walking a forest trail and ended up in a small village where there was 18 brides waiting outside the church to get married. Maybe the answer to some cash-straped young couples these days?! The grooms came later one by one to walk them individually up the step to the church where they all were wed during the same ceremony. It’s funny because the main reason I visited the Philippines was to go to a friends wedding and when I came back I could tell everyone I was at 19 weddings there!
C&C more than welcome.
18 Brides
‘Jeepey’ (Philippines answer to Bus Eireann) with Brides in background
Two fellas sharing a joke with Brides in background
:lol: :lol: :lol: thats classic. Brilliant story. As for the hotos, I like the two at the end best but I’ve always been a sucker for black and white. :wink:
Great pic of teh brides though. Not something you see very often. Should this not be in teh Weddings section :lol: :wink: