Was out today shooting some black and white with my olympus om1 and om2, I shot a roll of 36 on the om1 and asked my girlfriend to rewind the film, anyways I say her struggling, then realized she had wound the film the wrong way, is this a problem when getting developed or is the roll of film useless?
Grab someone in TCD photsoc and get them to develop it for you! – Is it B&W or color? If it’s B&W you could even post it up north to me and I’ll do it for you!
Love developing film – that’s always been the fun part for me – when you see exactly what you got on the neg!
But anyway – the film is absolutely fine (I’ve wound on film to reuseable cartridges the wrong way loads!) I’m not sure how they’re processed in commerical shops but I wouldn’t say it’d make that much of a difference though they probably don’t unload the film, just stick it in a machine that draws it out so they won’t even notice but yeah if you drop it into Gunn’s and tell them – it’ll be fine!
Good luck and don’t yell at your gf!!!!