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New telephoto lens?

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New telephoto lens?

  • monty

    Was at belshaft zoo the other day and realised how useless my lense really is for taking shots more than 2 odd metres away from you
    I have a canon 400d
    Would love to be able to take some good shots at the trial bike champs thing(If I get to go) and would definitely be at the northwest 200 and on juniper hill, which is probably the best place to take shots(maybe the start/finish would be good for a few too) the closest you can get to the action is about 7-10M away which my lense would be useless for
    Not sure if the parents will approve but ATM I’m thinking maybe of a 70-300, although < My budget would be around £300 max, prefarably around £200 << that looks like what I want althouggh it's too dear for my liking,
    What do you guys think and do you know of any good offers?
    Thanks. Monty.

    Or for that matter would anyone let me borrow their’s??
    Anyone trust me
    Would reimburse if anything happened, might even pay you for the “hire”


    now that you broadcasted your find…. you have probably a bit less chance to get it cheap.


    meh, It’l give everyone else a chance to get it :D
    Probably rocket up anyway :(


    Probably a good lens. If budget is an issue and you can sacrifice the IS then check out one of the Sigma 70-300 models. Hauke and Robbie are using them. They’ll hopefully give you some opinions.


    Well the Sigma 70-300 is certainly cheap..and it does give good long as you are not expecting Nikon VR or Canon L standard results. I’ve used it for Motorsport in the Phoenix Park and Dirt Biking out in Gormanstown and always came away with some nice shots.

    It’s also really nice for mid range wildlife and nature. It can be a bit soft at the 300mm end of the lens, but not drastically so..and for the money I don’t think you could get better.

    You can pick them up online for well under €200 for the APO version, which is the one I have and would recommend. I don’t think they are a huge amount more expensive locally either if you can get one.

    Overall, they are not the fastest lens in the world and I wouldn’t be expecting a lot in low light..but for a general purpose zoom with a built in close up mode you really can’t go wrong.

    If I ever get to buy my Nikon 70-200 f2.8 VR then I’ll sell it to ya … :wink:

    Oh and they do Canon and Nikon mounts ..not sure about the other manufacturers.

    Here’s a review on the lens for your further information.

    Good luck with the purchase.



    hmm, that sigma dosen’t look too bad although its a bit of a shame that it dosen’t have any image stabilstaion….
    The annoying thing is that I’ve never actually tried a lense that has IS so I don’t know how much aof a benefit it is or isn’t :(

    Yeh, I’ll be needing the lense for at least the 17 of may(or is it april…I can’t actually remember TBH) so only if you get your fancy nikon jibby in the next month’ish will I be buying it off you ;)

    GIve you £40 right here right now ;)

    Anybody else have any other lenses I could compare these with…there must be other stuff out there.
    What about the canon 55-250 IS F4-5.6 etc. ?? anybody any experience of that?


    I have a nikon 55-200 which has VR. I got this off an ebay seller i was recommended to. His name is Kerso and is from scotland. His prices are veru good indeed. He beat jessops price on this by almost 100 quid.

    If you want his email send me a pm and I will send it on to you. Usually u pick a lens and send him a mail for a quote

    Cheers. Dee


    Check out the 70 – 200 mm f4 L in the Equipment for Sale section.


    Yeh, the “L” lenses are a bit to much money for me :( :(
    I have found this though>
    Which seems a pretty good preice for a pretty good lense..
    It is slightly over my budget but I might be able to stretch to get this.
    What are your views on it?


    Monty, I use the 70-300 canon IS On my xti(400d) for most of the wildlife and marco shots that I have posted here. Have a look as it may help you to decide.



    well, I’ve beefed up the budget a bit..
    I was looking at the 70-300mmIS USM etc. but I read a few reviews on amazon and every one of them said that the 70-200 F/4L was miles better, even without the extra reach…
    And It’s only like £20 dearer so I thought..why not..
    Although I’m not completely sure yet and was wondring what you guys thought..and with the increase in budget would there be any other lenses worth considering?
    ^^the 70-200:D


    There’s no doubt that the 70-200mm f/4.0 L is a better lens than the 70-300mm lens, so that’s the one to get in my mind. However, if your going to go for that one, maybe you can look at stretching your budget some more to get the 70-200mm f/4.0 L IS lens. I’ve not used it myself but from the many user reviews I’ve seen, this is reputed to be one of Canon’s finest lenses, better even (according to some) than the faster f/2.8 version and (according to some), almost on a par with the likes of the 135mm f/2.0 L (which I have) or the 85mm f/1.2 L.

    For some brutally honest user reviews of lenses, the best place to look (IMHO) is here.


    I have both 70-200 F4 versions and they rock. Much nicer, sharper, better colours than the f2.8 version which I’ve used a lot.

    Nowhere near the 135mm f2 though.


    THanks for the feedback guys, really appreciated, that review website’s great!
    I’m pretty much sure I’m getting this lens…just now trying to find the cheapest place to get it:D
    So far “microglobe”( has it cheapest and I’m gonna stick it up in the wanted part of PI, if anyone has seen it cheaper or know’s anyone who’s selling it cheaper it would be great.

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