Just been shooting some macro fly today so will post about 3 of the images as they are ready for uploading.
All shot with the 150mm sigma macro + 1.4tc f8 and 56mm of extension tubes and diffused flash.
Would have liked more dof about f16 but not enough light and would have ment shooting at iso800 or so, which i dont like on macro.
Comments and critique more than welcome.
Washing the old mug (full frame)
Headshot (50% crop) and blown up to full frame size
You’ve got to spill the beans on this one. Reversed 50mm with extension tubes??
You maintained enough DOF to make this work but it’s the detail and colour that make it jump out. Guess what nightmares I’ll be having tonight! Jeez, the fly even has dandruff!
How… in the name of hell… did you manage to take these shots? They are creepy alright… I’m not a fan of insects… but to get this much detail for something so small, that probably doesn’t sit an pose for you, is just hard to imagine. Care to share the story?