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My Local

  • fig

    Looks inviting doesn’t it? Nice little pub by the river, 3 auld lads talkin’ shit at the bar. The match on the box for something to talk about :-) Lovely pints of Guinness. MMM.

    This is the view from it.


    Looks a nice cosey bar alright. Not sure if the lights from the car drivng by are really needed in this shot. It leaves me trying to decide what to look at in the picture. Probably could of gotten away with a little bit faster shutter speed to reduce the lights a bit (but they’re not too distracting) if you weren’t trying to get the light trails from the car.

    Very nice shot though. Making me thirsty :wink:


    Good shot , I like it and I like the traffic lasers. Good detail and lots to see through the window and door.
    Hmm Guiness you say….
    Pity the pub I am heading to tonight does terrible Guiness. Looks like it Harp for me.



    Brian: Yeah totally got this shot as an after thought, tripod was up on a wall so couldn’t compose right. The car was a coincidence and is so bright cause it actually came out quite slow. I like the atmosphere in it though and will go back to get this properly.

    Deebo: mmmm Harp!

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