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Snow and Sun

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Snow and Sun

  • DenverDoll

    THats bright but rite. I know you got more snow then that. 8)


    That’s a very interesting capture there Sharon, you did really well to capture that sun like that.. in fact.. it’s kinda crazy… how did you manage that?

    Taken with the new 450D?


    Interested to know myself.

    2 really great shots Sharon, there is nothing I don’t like about either of them! :)


    Sharon nice shots……………..getting to grip with the new camera :?: :wink:

    Cheers Steve


    Hey everyone thanks for the comments!

    Brickee~~it was really brief and wet. Made for fun experiments though yeah!

    NFL~~thanks John! it was easy…this Spring snow is very wet and clings together. These are actually vines that cascade over and above the fence and the sun was very low in the early morning. I picked where I thought the brightest hole in the snow was and without looking into the viewfinder (would be rather blinding and probably not a good idea) just set it up handheld and guessed. Took three and all three were lucky shots. I wasn’t sure what I would get. I was trying for a sunburst..but I assumed it would be less sweeping. These are all cropped.

    Ravenash~~did all that make any sense :roll:

    VanessaKennedy~~thanks so much..they’re not my usual fare. Though I guess some people would say they are more than I realise :wink:

    Ossie13~~Am loving the new camera…not nearly to grips with it yet..slow and steady…as the sweet and great photographer Logill once advised me :D Thanks for the compliment and thanks for looking!


    DenverDoll wrote:

    Ravenash~~did all that make any sense :roll:

    Had an idea they were handheld, was a bit worried though that you were looking through the viewfinder.

    Well done on the shots. :)

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