Sometimes it can be a bit discouraging with all the views and no comments
I’d offer critique where an image appeals to me… but to be honest I’m confused looking at this shot. I’m not sure what it is I’m seeing. I’d don’t mean to be rude or critical by saying this and would be more than glad to comment with a little more purpose but I’m a tad lost here. Is all that colour actually part of the soap bubble?
Well here is the original crop with no processing at all.
I adjusted the levels, curves and sharpened the photo for uploading, but that’s about it. There were loads of bubbles and this is where 6 bubbles were joined.
I wasn’t trying to be pissy or anything either. I dont mind if it doesn’t appeal to you, but even a comment like that helps. Especially when someone is just getting started in photography.
Now that I understand that the blend of colours are actually a natural phenomenon it gives the shot a lot more definition (for me) so now I can look at it within some sort of context.
My thoughts would be that it’s certainly an interesting experiment and it’s often hard to fault experiments. It’s not my cup of tea, but I can’t fault it either. Original and different.. Yes.
I like the first photo!
It has great colours and composition. I would cut off the dark parts around….
I would suggest to move this type of pictures to abstract section……. but you will not have to many comments …. IMO
It’s more art than pure photography….