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Work in Progress (4 pictures) update

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Work in Progress (4 pictures) update

  • Sodafarl

    I currently have a squatters in my shed (there over a year)
    1. This is their old home which has been in the shed over a year now.

    2 This is the start of a new nest amazing work.

    3. The home builder

    4. And again (very noisey)

    It was amazing watching it going round it to form the start pf the honeycombe shapes..


    Nice record of your squatters Soda… maybe you could use them as evidence when the eviction case comes to court :wink: only joking! :lol:

    What light did you use and ISO??



    So that’s what you’ve been up to! David Attenborough had better watch out; fascinating stuff! Which module will this fit into then? :D


    That looks to be an interesting project. I sure hope you don’t get stung in the process. Those Squaters can be sneaky :wink:



    Nice to see these pics,now all we need you to do his timelapse the whole job, that would be fantastic.

    Noely F

    Great stuff Carl, never seen ’em building a nest. I watch them in the summer scraping the wood off the trellis…you can actually hear them! There are lots of lines cut into the wood now, wasp graffiti :D


    Thanks every one
    Pat I was using the SB600 pn camera as in most sheds it is very dangerous to move about as they are so tidy :lol: ISO was up pretty high 1250 I think don’t ask why :oops:
    Helen I will find a work book of some sort and you are spending too much time on PI addictive isn’t it.
    Brickee don’t I know I stay well back :lol:

    Vivid you should see how much it has came on since yesterday. There is a very large spider in the shed which is why I think its rebuilding as you can see with the cobwebs round the old nest.

    Noely hope you are well mate,they are amazing to watch, I am hoping to see it finished but Mrs Farl and the young farls are givibng off a stink because I haven’t removed it.

    Thanks agaion folks wil put more up over the next day or so.



    Of course, I blame you for mentioning it! :lol: And yes, you are right, but I’ve been stuck at the computer PS-ing photos (don’t you know how I love that software…) so I just pop on to see if anyone has noticed my posts yet. Which they haven’t :cry: . (or are being too polite to criticise).


    HelenM wrote:

    I just pop on to see if anyone has noticed my posts yet. Which they haven’t :cry: . (or are being too polite to criticise).

    Helen, Don’t worry they will :lol: :lol: only joking keep posting.



    Here is an update from today This guy is some worker not the greatest of pictures butb then it doesn’t have to be :wink:

    Be prepared to be bored with more.

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