I have loved dandelion heads since I was little and still find them
fascinating, I took this using the sunset as the background the dark
corners at the bottom of the picture are tree tops kind of like a half
Beautiful natural colour & glow in the background… really sets of the silhouette.
Not sure about the vignetting, the eyes are drawn to it for no reason. The image is both simple & strong and doesn’t need the vignetting. The simpler the better in this case.
Thanks for looking! I agree about the dark corners but didnt know how to get
rid of them, I didnt do anything except crop a little off all round. I will try again
and try to keep the treetops out of it, thanks again.
Thanks all, dont mind at all Sharon the more the merrier, lets all have a
virtual wine and dandelion party :) all welcome! Picture this……….the
blue sky dotted with fluffy white clouds shaped like daisies, the freshly
mown lawn, soft comfy chairs set under the flowering cherry tree, the chink
of glasses and hum of bees and good friends to share it with………sod work today!