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Not Sure If These Work, Any Feedback Appreciated

Homepage Forums Photo Critique Catch All Macro and Close-ups Not Sure If These Work, Any Feedback Appreciated

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Not Sure If These Work, Any Feedback Appreciated

  • jessthespringer

    I’m not at all sure about these two… Any feedback appreciated,
    be as harsh as you like, if you think they’re rubbish don’t be afraid
    to say so… Larger versions on my flickr page.



    I had a look at your flickr site, lots of great stuff.
    but these 2 don’t do it for me.

    I could see this type of thing working (for me). But less in close-up, but if you keep the black background and the seeds/buds (obviously) but have them smaller in the photo, with more stalk and composition. I’m just guessing here, thinking out loud.

    I hope this helps…



    I’d have to say that you should trust your instincts…
    they’re usually reliable…



    I have to say I really, really like them

    I can see how a lot of people mightn’t… they’re very ‘arty’ and somewhat abstract but the subtle shades of colour on the buds, the sheer black and the simplicity are beautiful in my opinion.

    Esp. the second one. The first one I might have frames a little tighter to cut out some of the black to the right of the frame.


    Martin, thank you, yes I get what your saying about less of a close up, and I get
    your point about composition also, I appreciate the feedback.

    jb7, I get what your saying too, wish my instincts would wake up a bit when I’m
    actually taking the photo :roll:

    pihjin, thanks, I like the colour too… just need to get the composition right, and
    as you say, get the framing right.

    Thanks again everyone,

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