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Rural Decay

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Rural Decay

  • mtmccallion

    I took a small selection of photographs recently on the farm my mum grew up on in Inishowen, Co. Donegal. It’s very much a bit of a time warp in places but very beautiful if a bit scruffy around the edges.

    C&C welcome! :)


    Mari great set, nice vivid colours, #1&#5 of the door would be my fav’s, especially like the detail in the last!!

    Cheers Steve

    Alan Rossiter

    All images look well Mari – they all have their own positives and they show that you can see what some would consider uninteresting, and make them interesting. The only problem I see is that these 5 images don’t tie in with each other because of the different syles. If they weren’t grouped as they are I’d find them quite attractive but together, well, it’s a distraction.

    But keep them coming…you seem to have an eye for it.



    Thanks Alan – I see your point…never thought of it that way! I tend to take one pic of one item and then move on rather than perhaps taking some more time over one subject and doing a series of images from that. I’ll try that in future. I’m actually doing a course this weekend in Dublin (improvers digital with dave mc kane) so hopefully I’ll learn plenty and put some of my results up here come Monday! :)

    Thanks for the C&C too Steve…the old doors are my favs too but I do like the neglected mini too…which breaks my heart cos its such a class wee car :cry: :lol:



    Nice work, and a good comment by alan.

    Sets of 3 of things can look good, and if you post 3 beside each other that are in a theme, they can look even better than each one seperatly.

    Enjoy the course, Dave is pretty good.



    I like the red door hinge the best, as Alan said its not to everyones taste but the colour and the cracks in the paint appeal to me (photographically) you do have an eye for a photo and its potential,so keep it up.

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