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down a big ole

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down a big ole

  • Pitmatic

    Dont know what i was thinking realy but iso2000 on the D80 aint bad but personaly it could be better this was in the marble arch caves today i would go all hardcore and use ambient light… just about 100% blurred lol but in my defence i was also making sure the kids didnt fall off something at the same time :oops: :shock: :D

    so blurred but an interesting effect i pushed with elements lightly


    ISO 2000 :shock: Jaysus. Me camera kills me if I push over 400. These actually look pretty good considering the shooting conditions. Probably non-people shots would have worked better as the faces lose a bit but looks like an enjoyable place to visit, if not all together shoot friendly :wink:

    Nice colours in the shots though. Second would be the better for me. The background looks a lot better than in the first. Gives a nice backdrop for an action type shot of the girl.




    Its a bit of a squeeze so just about anytime i would try to take a photo someone would nudge/push/poke or put a sticky lolipop in my hand :oops:
    the first photo is actually a merge of two shots from a 4 frame burst as one had the helmet light in the distance and the other had the woman on the right with her eyes open.

    You could do some great abstract shots there but ideally when its not heaving with people :)

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