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The Office

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The Office

  • mtmccallion

    Hi – I’ve just got a 50mm 1/8f for my D40 so I decided whilst at work (ahem not doing any work!!) I’d try it out around my very drab and dreary office on this dull July afternoon! As the 50mm doesn’t auto focus on the D40 I’m not sure if my focus is spot on but its close.

    One half of my office is well…crap…so I wanted to show the very dreariness of it through these pics. I also wanted to show how cold it is so did a few tweaks with the white balance did a wee bit with the green curves in PS (maybe too much??)

    I’m a graphic designer by trade so my photos, although not technically spot on or very “pretty” try to be interesting in a weird sort of way! :D

    C&C most welcome.


    Nice series of images. Not sure if the 2nd one sits well with the others. Like the bottom two how they are juxtaposed to each other with their negative space. Blue cast gives the cold atmosphere of some office working environs too.

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