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[Transf]Kodak Double-X (Eastman 5222) 35mm B&W Nega...

Homepage Forums General Photography Film Photography [Transf]Kodak Double-X (Eastman 5222) 35mm B&W Negative

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[Transf]Kodak Double-X (Eastman 5222) 35mm B&W Negative

  • kanxz

    Copyed from:

    This black-and-white negative camera film is designed for general production use both outdoors and in the studio. You can also use this film for photography under dim lighting conditions and where you need greater depth of field without an increase in the illumination level.

    Kodak Double-X ,EI 400 ,D-76 1+0

    Kodak Double-X,EI 800,D-76 1+0 push

    Kodak Double-X,EI 1600,D-76 1+0 push

    Kodak Double-X,EI 3200,D-76 1+0 push

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