love number three, the threelayers work really well in it compositionally.
I know absolutely zip all about film photogprahy :oops: but the womans face in the first shot looks a bit over exposed. The brightness makes it a bit harsh and ruins the character in her face, similar with the second shot, the steps can’t really be made out because the white is a bit overexposed but not as bad in this shot. Nice shots though. U cenrtainly got around when you where over there.
Nice photos Liam, 1 & 3 especially. In number 3 the layers of composition work well and the prayer wheels in the background in number 1 are really interesting, as well as the woman.
But I agree with Brian that they seem a bit over exposed in parts.
I know here that I can’t take any photos during the day as the sun is too strong, its a problem
That is where digital comes in handy, you can look at the histograms to see how you are doing.
You might be able to tweak these in PS, or Gimp to fix them.