This is one picture of myself I actually like! This was taken in the big wood, half way between Newry and Warrenpoint.
This used to be the foresters home, it’s empty now… and seriously creepy!
Nice Sinead i like it. It reminds me of a ghost story and the person that lived in the house is returning home . Looks like an interesting place to photograph. That house would be good to check out..Anything in there worth photographing???
John- Yes this is a great place to photograph, the house itself is fairly clean inside, but very, very creepy, I took lots of pictures here last year for a location project I was working on,
I wanted a shot of the hallway inside and had eight shots left on the film, I remember going outside to change rolls and just not being able to go back in again!
Here is one of that hallway, digital this time.
Cathal- It’s just a slow shutter speed 1.5 seconds, I used a remote control to fire the shutter and just walked slowly towards the door.