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Wasp munching on Chicken bone

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Wasp munching on Chicken bone

  • Mikka

    This guy and a few of his mates gatecrashed our barbie yesterday. They were partial to a bit of chicken. Do you think I should have cloned out the ringflash reflections, should I have combed his hair….C&C welcome…..Mikka

    Canon 400D, EFS 60mm Macro, f11, iso 200, 1/200th, ringflash fired

    Alan Rossiter

    Ugly beasts with a hint of beauty. Nice rendition of the wasp and yeah, a parting in his hair would look good! The ringflash is only noticable when you mention it so I wouldn’t worry too much about it. I’ve never done macro even though I have a ring flash and a macro add-on lens and a reversing ring but shots like these make me tempted.

    Nice image.



    Very good shot Mikka. I wouldn’t clone anything from this image. It stands well as it is. Pity the wings and feet are cropped though.

    Dave OS


    thats an amazing image. images displaying behaviours are way more interesting than the more usual macro images that just show the creature as sharp as possible but not doing anyting, as if it was a plastic model ( not saying there is anything wrong with the sharpness here, its perfect). well done.


    Thanks for the comments guys, need the confidence booster as I am binning too many shots that I am not happy with. I deliberately cropped this one for effect as I felt that the uncropped image was just an ordinary shot of the insect sitting on the chicken bone. I might add I am allergic to Bee and Wasp stings, even mossie bites turn into lumps on me :cry: ….Mikka

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