A couple of shots of a common darter from today after very slow stalking. light very low so it was difficult to get anything and the colours aren’t great. i tried a couple with the flash but got too much glare off the white reed stem. Any comments?
crop of above shot
Difficulty with these stalking shots is that you can’t use a tripod – i think it shows in that they are a bit on the soft side
Nice well composed shots Will. Just a little too dark. Pity the light was so bad. I sometimes use a bamboo pole clasped tightly between my left hand and the camera to help avoid hand shake on slow shutter shots.
Edit: you could also up the ISO to around 400 and then remove it in post processing.
Dave OS
yes it went very dark this afternoon. the problem is that if it was sunny i probably wouldn’t have been able to get that close – all the more reason to get to grips with the flash.