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Give me some feedback pleae

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Give me some feedback pleae

  • jodyc


    i am new to the Photography Ireland Web Site

    i would like to get some feedback on what people think of my photos

    good or bad please let me know




    Hi Jody,
    Just a couple of things to help you get feedback. First its best only to put photos with the same theme in a single post. As taking a photo of the flower (it is probably “Still Life” as it is abstracted from nature) is very different from a photo of a harbour (I guess this is Landscape, in the case of your photo, if it was a tighter shot maybe Urban Landscape).
    People have different experience and skills, and many only give feedback on things they feel they have experience in, or are interested in. So it is best to divide subjects out.

    Also if you embed the images, rather than having people click again, they will be more likely to look at them.

    So after the lecture I guess I should give some feedback.

    1. Nice photo, but perhaps a bit more depth of field would be good to get all the nets sharp.
    2. I like this photo too, but I think you need more light from a diffused light source, to whiten the flower without losing texture, and also to get a faster shutter speed to sharpen up the shot. The shutter speed is a bit slow for the focal length.
    3. I think composition wise you could have added more sea to the left, and some more to the top to break the symmetry. Lovely light. Btw this photo has no exif info included, it’s best to keep it in for c&c if you want feedback on settings.

    I hope that helps,


    Check you ISO you have a lot of noise in all images !


    You’ve got a good eye for framing and compostion but shots are very soft and grainy.


    Maybe just me, but I don’t usually “Click here to see full image”. As a result, I don’t provide feedback to such pics.


    I think everything has been said very well already by the rest of the members but i just wanted to say i do quite like the first one although its a pity there is a loss of detail in the nets in some parts….

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