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My first pic post!

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My first pic post!

  • Chaalk

    Heya, first post with some of my snaps. Took these pics within a few days of buying my sony a200, haven’t sarted editing my pics….just yet! Ive been taking pics for a few weeks now, any C&C would be great!



    Hi Chaz,

    I like how you have composed the first image to capture a little bit of wave action, along with the striking cliffs at the Causeway. If I had to suggest some improvements, it would be to maybe crop a little off the top of the image, and to try and find strong foregrounds to include in your scene. This will help you create depth. This article isn’t finished yet, but you might find it useful… .

    All in all though, an impressive start for someone who has only been taking photos for a few weeks.

    Welcome to the forum by the way!


    (And well done keeping the horizon straight! Some of us here who have been landscaping for a while don’t always get that right . :D )


    Some very nicely composed photographs in some very different situations. I do like the one with the bluebells (is that what they are?). The composition is good and the exposure looks to be perfect.

    andy mcinroy

    Hi Chaz, welcome to the forum.

    I see you’ve been visiting our neck of the woods.

    Good shots of the Causeway headlands there. That rock point in the distance in your first shot is Lacada point where the Girona foundered.

    Looking forward to seeing more from you.



    thanks for all the comments & feedback, much appreciated :)!

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