I think this image is quite nice, however the glare on the wall is very strong, its far too bright…..is there much can be done with it? Or how is it avoided (apart from taking the photo earlier in the morning).
whats happened here is you metered off the bottom of the photo ( the shaded area) because its perfectly exposed, (plenty detail in the shadows) and the camera automatically made the rest of the images brighter, therefore overexposing the walls and the distant mountains.
You should meter off the left hand wall where the sun is falling and then you should get a decent overall exposure (leave the shadows look after themselves)
If it was shot in RAW format you can adjust the exposure and get the details back in the bright parts, if it was JPEG the job is for the photoshop experts here (to which i am not)
Lovely travel image again Liam.
I had a quick play in PS with this and simply using the shadows and highlights tool and upping the highlights brings the hot spots down quite a bit and then a quick photo warm up filter and burn tool and this looks very good.
Thanks very much folks, as a point and click person this brings me forward in terms of understanding of how light/shade work. Would agree the telephone wires should go (but would keep the washing!!). Many thanks.