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Rickety Holywood Pier

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Rickety Holywood Pier

  • AndyL

    A low tide and a stunning sunset, with some HDR to bring back some of the detail in the wood C&C always appreciated


    Interesting photo specially the ‘lines’ from the sun. I would play with lighting/contrast/midtonnes to bring them up more….


    Hi Andy,

    The trouble with HDR for me is the HALO it generates around things.

    For me the sky could be more dramatic with a bit more contrast.
    If you use shadow/highlight it could bring out a bit of detail in the pier.

    Nice picture and composition though.



    Andy, I like the composition and the idea behind the shot. However, I don’t think that using HDR has worked very well here. I suspect that if you look at the shadow areas, they are just very noisy, rather than containing any detail worth recovering. Also, the sky and water have become very flat and lifeless due to the HDR processing.

    I would recommend a manual blend of 2 exposures, one for the sky, the other perhaps 1 stop brighter than that for the foreground. Layer them up in Photoshop, and use a gradient mask to blend. I have a feeling the result will look a lot more natural, and it might actually enhance the play of light on the foreground.

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