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Dealers, in the leafy suburbs?

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Dealers, in the leafy suburbs?

  • blacktopjunkie

    I like the idea of the shot with the runners but don’t think the bus stop and house the way they are placed in the frame help the shot. I would try again shooting from different/angles positions to try to get it to work better. Experiment with different focal lengths also to compress and expand the space in the shot. Its a good idea for a shot though, worth working on


    Thanks for the reply. Do you think I should have the runners as the main focus? I have very shaky hands so need to use a tripod, will have to run out into the road for that. What about the colouring etc. Do you thik its okay?


    I agree with Martin there. Its a very good idea for a photo. You would want to try a number of angles – or even another location (as these runners are all over the place). They are something often ignored, because they are so very common. But they are of our time, and part of our urban landscape and, dare I say, culture.

    They could make for a very striking photo.

    But regarding the photo above. The first thing is that its slightly lobsided to the left (im one to speak :D). The sky, IMO, is quite noisey (is that what you call it?). I believe this may be down to having the settings on your camera to ‘automatic’ mode, or the standard Jpeg file they produce. Maybe a RAW photo would help reduce the noise. I havnt tried it myself though iv read it helps.


    Fefinately use a tripod and take the time to work out angles and perspectives – I’d go so far as to get someone to stand in the shot – maybe in a hoody – face covered and menacing ?? I know its street – but you can play, right :)



    blacktopjunkie wrote:

    Thanks for the reply. Do you think I should have the runners as the main focus? I have very shaky hands so need to use a tripod, will have to run out into the road for that. What about the colouring etc. Do you thik its okay?

    I think the runners should be the main point of the picture, I would not just zoom in on the runners though. I would try to capture the environment that the runners are in i.e. the street, houses etc or as Lorraine said if there was a person somewhere in the frame it might add to it. Colour is a bit yellow. I would change the white balance on the picture or in the camera to remove the yellow cast of the street lights



    The runners are somewhat lost in the image.. It actually looks like the bus stop was your main point of focus…
    I would reframe it and take the temperature down a bit in PS or lightroom to remove that orange look…

    Good thinking though..


    Thanks for the input everyone. I have a tendency to deliberately frame photos so the main subject is to the side etc. I think it only works for me as I know what I’m looking for. I’ll take a few shots at the weekend and see how they pan out.


    I don’t know this location at all, but it looks to me that would be quite hard to have these runners as the main subject and keep people aware that it is an urban landscape!.. But you are defo on to something here as a project i feel, if you were in Cork (or are you??) this would be quite easy for you as these runner are quite a regular sight, even around parts of the city centre.. You could always try solely concentrating on the runners alone, different kinds of runners hanging from the lines!! Might be interesting! and the they don’t have to be night shots..

    Shoot your night shots in RAW format always, this allows you to change the white balance of the image afterwards.


    Well I’ve always wanted to do something like this but felt it was a bit cliched. I guess what I was trying to do was take a photo of something normal enough, almost boring and just have this darker element off to the side to throw it a little. Anybody photographing New York in the 80s had piles of similar photos so I was never sure if it’d work. They’re almost always better in B&W too.

    I’m in Dublin and know of a few more examples, So might have a go at them and see how it goes


    I’ve read through this, but I still don’t understand what I’m supposed to be seeing.
    What dealers? Where are they?
    Could someone please explain…thanks.


    Ah. Thanks for the links.

    I must live a very sheltered existence. :( :shock:


    Ya, i understood what you were trying to do with this shot.. but New York and Dublin city suburbs are 2 different places, when it comes to subject matter.. head into Dublin, hit some of the “rougher” (i don’t mean get yourself killed) areas’s.. it will work alot better.. Take your time with it though.. it could take a few months to get a decent series of shots together..

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