Just bought Rodinal Specjal, and I wonder maby someone can recommend different developing times and dilution than this printed on the bottle? (for 120 ilford and agfa)
I heard about dilution 1+30 but what about developing time? It should be double??
Anyone has some experience?
As a starting point you can double the 1:15 times but you will probably need to adjust after that. Its a super developer. I use it at 1:30 all the time.
I use the Massive Dev Chart ( http://www.digitaltruth.com/chart/print.html ) as a starting point, and experiment with slightly different dev times and dilutions when I use a new film.
I use the Massive Dev Chart ( http://www.digitaltruth.com/chart/print.html ) as a starting point, and experiment with slightly different dev times and dilutions when I use a new film.