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great pollet arch

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great pollet arch

  • Gizzo

    flatbed scan of a print.
    ilford hp5+ 400 iso in kodak D76


    very nice BW photo,i like the smooth gray tone from hp5+.
    here is a photo taken by my friend with hp5+ and d76 developer+v750 scanner


    Looks like 2 nice prints there-

    I shouldn’t really say anything, cos this isn’t a critique section,
    but anyway-

    Looks like you had a big range in that Gizzo,
    and it looks like you handled it very well-

    Technically, in terms of tonal range, it looks like you have that sorted for this picture-

    The idea of ‘converting’ to mono doesn’t apply to film,
    it’s mono already-

    If you want something different to the default ‘[convert to greyscale’ setting,
    then you have to filter before exposing-
    though I’m not too sure you could have done very much with that sky…

    I wont say anything about the rocks either-
    I’m not usually a big fan, unless they happen to produce quite graphic images-

    I’m more used to seeing Street and architectural type images from you-
    got any more?



    Good job Gigi myself and Sean went looking for that arch when
    we were in Fanad last week I walked down through a field and
    fell on my ass and slid to the bttom of the hill,gave up looking after that


    cathald wrote:

    Good job Gigi myself and Sean went looking for that arch when
    we were in Fanad last week I walked down through a field and
    fell on my ass and slid to the bttom of the hill,gave up looking after that

    well this is 1-1 then… I went in Donegal looking for the Marble Arch, that wasn’t even photographed by our caveman McInroy.
    Spent a whole afternoon lookin for it, at 5PM was too cold and we decided it was tea time…
    To be honest with you, I can’t even remember directions to get here. I asked to a person at the lighthouse and I presume by chance I ended there.. I think there is one wee sign and then is up to you…

    jb7 wrote:

    Looks like you had a big range in that Gizzo,
    and it looks like you handled it very well-
    Technically, in terms of tonal range, it looks like you have that sorted for this picture-
    The idea of ‘converting’ to mono doesn’t apply to film,
    it’s mono already-
    If you want something different to the default ‘[convert to greyscale’ setting,
    then you have to filter before exposing-
    though I’m not too sure you could have done very much with that sky…

    to be honest I tried using a orange filter to enhance the sky but it didn’t work out terribly well.
    that’s why I went for a framing with less sky possible (and more rocky foreground that you don’t like ;))
    By the way it’s not completely white so I am happy with it (maybe here it looks burned but that’s the scanner I presume).

    The tonal range is what surprised me. It’s not black it’s….it’s many greys!!!! it’s amazing when you see it.

    I’m more used to seeing Street and architectural type images from you-
    got any more?

    now this is weird…. street pictures from me? anyway I do have some negs, but you’ll have to wait for the prints unfortunately!!

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