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Homepage Forums Photo Critique Abstract Replacement

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  • randomway

    Critique and comments are welcome.



    these are bit too abstract for me to make much sense of them……also the title, I can’t relate to the images (not giving out about that, its your right to call it what you want, just saying I can’t make sense of the title).


    Yeah, bit too abstract for me too

    I’d like to see original images


    Cookster wrote:

    I’d like to see original images

    These are photograms. Other than scanning them there is no digital manipulation involved.

    Thanks for the comments.


    Hmmm Photogram. Is that like a Homer Simpson word?
    What’s the technique? I’m sitting here with an abstract artist and we are going off to google it. My guess is its etching and manipulation of photo paper?? Does it only work in mono
    They are rising in my estimation. How long did these take to complete.

    Looking forward to seeing a few more



    It’s very simple. You take a light sensitive paper (traditional printing paper), put something on top of it and expose it with a light source or two.

    Time needed 2-3 minutes plus development.

    It’s not a serious business, the point is that you have to improvise in a few minutes and use the materials that you either prepared beforehand or that’s laying around in the darkroom. Plastic wrap, paper envelopes, wholemeal, etc.

    It’s fun, try it!

    Alan Rossiter

    At a recent club meeting we were in a room where an artist had presented a painting which was 6″ square and painted magnolia. He was charging €300 for it. Given that, I can’t knock your work above…it’s certainly different. Not appealing to me to be honest but enough to warrant a reply.

    A query – when does a photograph become a photograph (I sense a JB moment coming on)? You used photographic paper, paper sensitive to light – so I suppose this does, in real terms, make it a photograph. But it certainly puts the pixel race into perspective and the whole IS/VR/L/Sigma/mkIII/ISO/DOF/HDR conversations on hold.


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