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Sky HD

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Sky HD

  • Deebo

    Anyone got sky HD?
    Gave in to peer pressue, sick of all the work mates harping on about it.
    So getting this installed next friday. Got the 6 packages but not movies and sports at they are a rip off
    Whats the best channels in HD?
    Looking forward to euro sport in HD for the tour de france and the nat geo on HD
    Cheers, Dee

    Noely F

    I’ve been looking into this hd buzz for a while and I’ve read somewhere that sky hd broadcasts a 625 pixel signal, low end hd tvs are 720px and the top end are 1080. If your going to run it through an AV Receiver through a hdmi cable I believe the sound quality is great though .


    Hi Noel
    Comes on Tuesday, so let you know how it goes
    Looking forward to the national Geo in HD

    Alan Rossiter

    I was like you at first – no movies or sport. We got a 3 month offer on movies over Christmas so took it up. Some movies are GREAT such as the animations but a lot of the older films are just like watching an oversharpened moving image. We got rid of it again in January and just have the Discoveries but there are channels added all the time. I find that BBC have an extra hidden channel in HD which is mostly studio music but they do show sporting events live sometimes. I’d recommend it but the novelty, or WOW factor does wear off quickly. Most of what is transmitted on Discovery HD is snow based, or jungle/safari orientated. Eurosport is good though and the cycling…you can feel the burn! Paris Roubaix was something else. We have the 1080 HD on 42″ so it does help.

    Best of luck with it.


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