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Chemicals for Developing film?

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Chemicals for Developing film?

  • richy5497

    Hi all,

    I’ve bought a little EOS300n and want to take some BW film, but i’d like to process the film myself. I know what hardware i’ll need, but what chemicals should i use for Dev etc? And where should i get em from?

    Many thanks,


    if you scroll down, there are some threads answering your question….
    Gunns in Dublin is a good place to start, or even better some web-based shops such as



    Richard, Jessops in Newry have some chemicals at the moment, all Ilford stuff, I think.
    If I’m in there tomorrow, I’ll check it out for ya.

    I’ve bought some stuff from Calumet in Belfast too, it’s better to buy the developer in a shop, I think,
    some places charge a bomb in shipping due to it being a controlled substance.

    Digital is dead, film is the way forward.


    Just pick whatever developer is readily available to you and go for it. The liquid ones are easiest to start with.


    Thanks a lot, I hate film by the way, but for some reason i can’t stop buying film camera’s??? I’d like a WW2 era 35mm camera and i’m regularly scouring ebay for one. I’d like to develop the film and scan the negatives and perhaps print that way. Anyway, yeah, i was in Jessops today and got a dev tank and spools etc. I’ll go in during the weekend and get the dev etc.


    I put an order in for some Ilford chemicals today for B+W self dev.

    My local lab was helpful and can source 500ml / 1L container lots for
    about €10 per container approximately. worth a try anyho.

    Ilfolsol 3 Devleoper
    Ilfostop stop
    Ilford Rapide fixer

    I just need to get a changing bag and tank!



    richy5497 wrote:

    Thanks a lot, I hate film by the way, but for some reason i can’t stop buying film camera’s??? I’d like a WW2 era 35mm camera and i’m regularly scouring ebay for one. I’d like to develop the film and scan the negatives and perhaps print that way. Anyway, yeah, i was in Jessops today and got a dev tank and spools etc. I’ll go in during the weekend and get the dev etc.

    Here are a few links to a site I happened across, great detail and info on cameras from the 1950’s on.

    there is a search on the right of the page with options between slr’s and rangefinder’s, a bit difficult to


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