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"Stock" Juvenile Greylag Geese

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"Stock" Juvenile Greylag Geese

  • nfl-fan

    Bit sad this methinks…

    Greylag Geese are being culled in Co. Wexford to ensure that they do not take over breeding grounds frequented by a rare visitor (sorry, didn’t get the name).

    Basically – eggs are being destroyed to keep Greylag numbers down. A number of eggs are brought back to Wexford Wildfowl Reserve to be incubated and hatched, the Geese then have their wings clipped to ensure that Wexford Wildfowl Reserve have a stock of Geese all year round as an attraction for kids to throw bread to :roll:

    Maybe it’s just me… but I only became aware of this yesterday and it’s been bugging me ever since.

    Anyway… beautiful flock of birds these, great fun to watch, lovely little things.


    John Griffin

    Not sure which part bugs ya. The Greylags are feral geese, escaped from farms. The other Geese they are trying to protect are Greenland Whitefronted Geese.


    Ah, just the bit where living creatures, that did nothing wrong but show up in the wrong place, have to die at the hands of us dopey humans who’s mission in this life is to protect the planet while simultaneously and more effectively destroying it.


    I guess they’ll make for nice birdwatcher bait for the Hen Harriers down there ;)

    John Griffin

    I see your point, but it was dumb humans that released them in the first place, without the control the would push out the Whitefronts. Breaking eggs is alot more humane than shooting them in september and october before the greenland birds arrive for the winter. Conservation isn’t always a nice job, but it is a necessary one.

    miki g

    I was in Wexford recently and went to the wildfowl reserve. I think it’s a great place for birdwatchers, children, photographers and anyone else with an interest in our natural world (even if it is in an artifical setting). It’s a pity that sarcrifices have to be made but it is allegedly necessary. Personally I disagree in the culling of any “dumb” animal to suit another. I guess the “dumbest” animal of them all is the one that makes the decisions. The island of Ireland is more than big enough for another reserve to facilitate the greylags or any other species. If we were to be culled for not being perfect I don’t think it would go down too well (as was the case in recent history). Sorry if I have offended anyone. Anyway nice photo of the geese.


    Even though I can understand the reasons why, this kind of thing really bothers me. The wing clipping thing is just wrong.

    You’ve been doing some great animal photography lately nfl, I keep peeping in on flickr. Nice to see it.



    I agree with both sides of the arguement, it’s neccessary but wrong !!
    I cant stand the culling of wild animals either. If only they could be moved to a place of their own or something, i dunno ? A couple of years back i was on an ecology trip for 6th biology down in Glendalough and learned that they cull loads of goats to save various types of plants “florae”. Needless to say, i was quite irritated by this, and dont get me started on the culling of seals !!! :x

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