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Italian Wedding Albums

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Italian Wedding Albums

  • johnson76

    Hi there
    I have been asked to do a wedding next year and I did some searches on here but I could not find an answer.

    I have a query re the album. I have access to a mac and can make a photo book for the coffee table etc of the big day.

    Is there some websites out there for making the Italian Leather Wedding Album and what sort of price will the couple be looking at for that sort of thing?

    Any thoughts are greatly received


    Try DL Kirptartick in N.Ireland – they have a couple of ranges of albums that are quite reasonably priced, and can be designed remotely
    Prces do vairy so much between size, pages, finish, paper etc.. but average 40 page – 30″ X 30″ would between 300 and 400 cost


    Thanks for the information … how do these wedding albums works
    Does one print the images and insert them into the album or is it a case of using some software that “makes” the book and is printed and delivered to you else where ?

    Appreciate the help


    You can do both – but the “norm” for Italian album style is the printed book whereby you upload the images and/or design using their software and they print it for you


    Cool, do you have the name of the software of somewhere one can get a trial of it or you only get it when you purchase an album ?

    DL kirkpatrick can supply you with tony sarlo albums.

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