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NEF RAW files

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NEF RAW files

  • Lula

    When I take my pictures into iPhoto the Raw files are there with their .NEF suffix. If I try to move them to desktop prior to moving them to Photoshop they “self convert” to .Jpeg’s. Or indeed if I try to move them anywhere. My work around is to dig into the Finder hidden files and find them under “Originals” and use “File open in” and this gives the Photoshop option and the Camera Raw dialog box. BUT this is a huge Hooha and I would like to know a simpler solution.
    I’m using MAC OS X version 10.4.11 and iPhoto ’08 version 7.1.5
    Thanks or any help


    That is strange. Ive never had that problem before.

    So do you use iPhoto first? for taking the images off the camera/sd card?
    I would be tempted to leave out the iPhoto part for the time being, as OS X wouldnt/shouldnt be converting them to jpeg.

    How bad is the Nikon Software? ;)


    Have you used Software Update lately? Apple released an update to it’s Camera Raw codec that lets the Mac see Raw files from all the latest cameras. Other than that I’d strongly recommend buying Elements 6 (about €90 from Adobe and Irish shops), it comes with Adobe Camera Raw which will allow you to open the Raw files and do great things with them,



    Lula wrote:

    When I take my pictures into iPhoto the Raw files are there with their .NEF suffix. If I try to move them to desktop prior to moving them to Photoshop they “self convert” to .Jpeg’s. Or indeed if I try to move them anywhere. My work around is to dig into the Finder hidden files and find them under “Originals” and use “File open in” and this gives the Photoshop option and the Camera Raw dialog box. BUT this is a huge Hooha and I would like to know a simpler solution.
    I’m using MAC OS X version 10.4.11 and iPhoto ’08 version 7.1.5
    Thanks or any help

    I use a Mac and have iphoto but the autoload feature is turned off.

    Maybe try just copying the files from your card to the disc. Then try this: :)

    Only runs on macs. You’ll see what your raw files really look like before the converter people have added their interpretations. Detail is incredible, colours are accurate (which won’t be pleasing, so they need a tweak in PS afterwards). The compressed highlight exposure slider is cool.



    Thanks to all
    I have downloaded the RPP and opened a NEF file in it using the same round about way I use for Photoshop. However I do not seem to be able to change anything. The AW file is there but if I try to move the sliders for RGB colours nothing happens. Likewise for Exposure etc
    Most of what is available seems to be the same as in the Photoshop Camera Raw but I was unable to access if it was any better as nothing happened.
    I have not yet disable start up in iPhoto but will do this next

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