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Dun Laoghaire Sunset – 2

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Dun Laoghaire Sunset – 2

  • kanxz

    Xpan + 45mm + Fujifilm Reala100 + Epson V750



    Overall I like it.
    One improvement area is around the lines. It’s difficult in this kind of composition to decide which lines ought to be straight – if indeed any!
    However, here, the horizon isn’t level and neither is the iron bar the cyclist is holding completely vertical. I feel this takes form the overall balance of the shot.
    I know that if you straighten the horizon, then the bar and cyclist are going to be leaning further but maybe that how it is ;-)


    Fine shot all the same. If you are handy in PS, some tranformation work can help. may also work in b&w or hi saturation/hdr.

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