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Curious about lefties

  • miki g

    Hi all. As someone who is lefthanded and I know there are others here, do you find any problems associated with it when using photographic equipment? My first encounter of a problem was a ball and socket head for my monopod from Manfrotto is too awkward to use, especially the quick release plate.


    I haven’t really had any problems being left handed using ball heads, tripods etc. I’m am quite clumsy with my ball head and so on sometimes, but I think that’s just general clumsiness rather than left handed clumsiness. I’ve no problem operating my cameras either.

    I use a manfrotto ball head too. I find the quick release handy to use. Grab the lens/camera with your left hand and release with your right hand.

    What is a problem for me is being left eyed. I bought an FM2n recently (thanks Damien :) ) and it’s somewhat awkward looking through the viewfinder with the wind on lever in the cocked position. I was aware of this before I bought it luckily. Not much I can do about this if I’m going to use my left eye.

    I also often change the focus point on my D200 with my nose. That’s annoying, but I find it a little humourous. It’d be handy if I could control that. :)

    Alan Rossiter

    I’ve never had problems either. All cameras are right sided so you don’t have an option like tennis rackets or golf clubs, etc to go left. I look through the right eye too possibly through early first habits.


    miki g

    Thanks lads for your imput. I also use my left eye, but don’t have any issues with it (except my eyesight itself) :lol: . I think that’s one of the first things that impressed me when I first picked up a Canon 450D and 50D, they are so user friendly for either left or right handed people. A great bit of designing in a world dominated with stuff designed mainly for right handed use. So a pat on the back for whoever was involved. I wonder if they would design tin openers, scissors etc. :lol:


    I must say that I have never even thought about it, I am left handed mainly writing but
    find I do a lot of things right handed, the like of scissors and can openers, I sew left handed
    and knit left handed which was more of a problem for my Mum trying to teach me :) My right
    eye would be my weaker but I couldnt imagine looking through the viewfinder with my left eye..
    ..very odd I just tried it and my nose is just in the way. Guess I am ambidexterous :)

    Alan Rossiter

    Here’s one for ya. I worked in a factory many years ago that made lenses. We filled moulds with a plastic resin and the machines that filled the moulds were designed by a left handed engineer and built by a left handed technician. When they were put in place for use right handed people had trouble keeping them going and the left handed guy in the area found it easy. Subsequently he was promoted to supervisor.

    As they say, you couldn’t write it.



    I find that the screen on the camera can fog up in colder weather, as my nose is in the way :)

    I do use a mouse right handed, not sure why.

    Alan Rossiter

    Mark wrote:

    I do use a mouse right handed, not sure why.

    I use a mouse left handed in work but right handed at home. And if I played golf it would be right handed but hurl left handed. I think we’re all mixed up. :roll:


    miki g wrote:

    the sniper rifle was actually designed for lefthanded use. Never found out the reason for this.

    Bolt action rifles are usually operated with the left hand because the
    right is holding the butt and operates the trigger. I used to shoot .22
    rifles at a 25m range and once you were in position you tried to move
    as little as possible. Not sure if this is what you meant.

    miki g

    Nice one. I was in the army years ago. All the weapons were designed for righthanded use, During recruit training, we had to do arms drill righthanded (which is basically throwing the rifle around to different holding positions) and had no problems. For the craic, one day, I suggested that we try doing it lefthanded and nobody could adjust to it. I could never shoot the rifle righthanded either and always had to swap it over once loaded, but funnily enough, the sniper rifle was actually designed for lefthanded use. Never found out the reason for this.

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