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Canon 500D

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Canon 500D

  • adrianmatthews


    I currently have a Canon 300D, looking to upgrade to the Canon 500D.
    Just looking at peoples kit, alot seem to be using the 40D’s / 50D’s etc etc.
    Apart from price what is the extra benefit of going for these models over the 500D.

    Additionally has anyone picked up a 500D and do they have any feelings on the camera?

    Appreciate the feedback.


    Piotr M

    Hi Adrian,
    Take it (500d) and try. You will understand why people take 40/50d. After 300d all three digit canons are very small and their ergonomy is poor. So is the quality. Cheap plastic – that’s it.


    Hi Piotr,

    I’ll take your word…….a quick one …..on another thread I seen the 7D mentioned as an upgrade to the 50D…..Ithink the quote went something like why wan’t it called the 60D….Do you know anything on this.

    I heard roumors that a 60D was due out Q1 2010…….so if I am going to upgrade is the 7D and the 60D the same camera?



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