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A few random’s…

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A few random’s…

  • richiehatch

    From a couple of relatively recent quick outings with the camera (whilst walking the dog, child, wife and camera….!) :wink:



    Kinda like the first one, although it does make me feel like I’m staring aimlessly out the window of a train…. are the moving flowers enough of a feature ?

    Second one, I like the colours in the sky more than I like the foreground flora and would’ve been tempted to switch the balance between the two. Favourite of the 3

    Third one keeps drawing my eye over to that cheeky non-conformist cloud on the right. Again I’m thinking it’s lacking a focal point, someone or something on the beach maybe…

    Just my 2c worth though :)


    I agree with pete about the third – can’t help but be drawn into the sky. However, it’s what you like that counts – have you tried cropping a bit off the top (and get something fof the weekend at the same time!!)?

    As concersn the second, you maybe have two pictures – one with the mountains (Cooley/Carlingfrod?) and dramatic sky and a second one with the interesting plants (which could merit a revisit for some experimentation with different angles).

    The first is an interesting shot – like something Sinead or Martin would post – a bit of movement and gentle composition. Liek the sky!

    Having said all of that, well done for getting out there and managing all of your various commitments. I don’t seem to be able to!

    … I assumed you wanted some feedback …


    I like the first one. Love the movement in the dandelions (?). I wonder if it may have been more interesting to take a frame filling shot of the foreground.

    I think the second two work well as a set.


    First one for me Richie, and as has been said the movement in the dandelions (buttercups really) adds to the overall image

    miki g

    Hi Richie. I like the first one. I like the V shape in the sky and the inverted V shape in the buttercups, barley etc that lead my eye just right of centre. Just a pity there wasn’t a tree, house or someone in the space where they meet.


    Thanks for the comments guys… appreciated and taken on-board.




    I like them all, especially the second.
    Nice punch in the colours without being over saturated.


    I like these. They are very sparse and simple, but in a really good way.


    Second one for me. I like the sparseness of the vegetation along with the colours in the sky.

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