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First DSLR shots, feedback wanted

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First DSLR shots, feedback wanted

  • homer_simpson

    Hi all, first proper post on here, got my camera last friday tis a canon 1000d, no fancy lenses or anything yet , all i good time isn’t that right santa, ha ha??? anyways heres my favourite picture from saturday when i went to a local rally was messing with the setting most of the day i think i was getting the hang of it come 5pm/hometime so let me know what you’s all think and any advise on what to do to improve would be great thanks all, dean.

    You can see some other shots i took here



    While it’s a stunning photo, you’re not showing any motion at all.


    great shotI like it , just a thought for you. I find because the car is near the exit of the pic left hand side , its not as strong visually as it would have been if the car was far right leaving space for the car to move into, maybe the other side of the track/road would have been a better spot , if that was possible just my thoughts but i have noticed over time that im a right sided visual person. Im not so hung up on the no movement in this image, but alot of rally shots show movement by panning which are very effective. I would also clone out that tape and pole. but well done

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