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shall we???

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shall we???

  • Alessia

    Sounds interesting . . .

    I thought of doing something similar over the course of 1 year.

    Setting up a camera on a tripod pointing out of a window and taking
    24 shots at the same date and time every month like the 5th and 20th
    of every month leaving the camera and tripod intact at the same settings
    for 1 year, switch on, thak the snap, switch off, same focus, same focal length
    same f stop same exposure. 1 camera, 1 roll of film, 1 tripod maybe 1 filter !

    on the 5th an AM pic and on the 20th a PM pic at exactly the same time
    every time!

    might start on the 5th Jan 2010 . . . maybe a PI event :wink:


    seems interesting, but you need something happening out of your window… I mean, you need a window facing a street or same place that changes in time… I don’t think it would work a window on my garden, for exemple….


    why not?
    if you have plants in your garden, even small ones, they will give you a good subject to monitor time passing by.


    of course you could just do it here as a photo project, so we could all see ;)


    Gizzo wrote:

    why not?
    if you have plants in your garden, even small ones, they will give you a good subject to monitor time passing by.

    well, you’re right…. it’s just that maybe I’m not so “bucolic”!

    have a good day! :wink:

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