If anyone has a set of Cokin P-series grads (ND2, ND4 & ND8) going for a song give me a holler. I have the holder and adapter ring so just the filters. In good condition s’il vous plait.
If you have your heart set on them then fair enough but I’d recommend splashing out on the Lee’s as the Cokins can be very difficult to work with, especially when stacked or at 90 degrees to the sun, there is a very bad magenta colour cast.
You’ll probably never need/use the ND2 because you will be able to pull back one stop easily in RAW so in reality you only really need the 2 and 3 stops frm Lee. I know they are more expensive but you will save yourself the the hassle of using the Cokins for 6 months before getting rid of them and getting the Lee’s anyway!