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Make your own film!

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Make your own film!

  • IOP

    I spotted this earlier today. A guy on flickr call Dark Orange has made his own machine that makes film! From what I can make out the film it makes is black and white medium format roll film. Check it out here:



    All of APUG are following this with interest, theres a few guys pushing towards home made film making. I’m looking forward to making space in my shed :wink:


    the usual suspect…

    It’s a nice looking machine,
    but it’s been a while since those pictures were posted-

    Looks like a lot of dust in the making-

    Anybody seen any film off it yet?


    ..Micro-brewed film ?!

    Wouldn’t it be great if it were economical to make small batches of film, kinda like micro-breweries do with beer..

    ..and to completely lose the run of myself, wouldn’t it be great if it were equally economical to make small batches of different formats, like 4×4, etc. Some of the smaller formats are really funky, but we seem to be at the point where the only formats where you have plenty of choice with regard to emulsions is in 35mm & 120,



    Thats great!

    JB, there must be another project there for you :)


    Well its all very fine making film but you gotta do it perfectly without blemish, no dust, kinks, bubbles etc. If you buy cheap film you will know that the quality is very often a lot less than the big three manufacturers.

    I was lucky enough to be given a tour of Ilford and see their coating line in action. Their ‘coating line’ is about as long as Croke Park Stadium, a bit narrower though but its an eyeopening experience to see these people so obsessed with quality. Even though their process was very commercially sensitive, they showed everything and anyone interested should try to be one of the thirty or so they allow in every year.

    Anyway I think home coating might be possible but getting that quality might be too difficult to attain.


    What could possibly go wrong…

    No Mark, that’s for someone else, that project-

    I can’t figure this one out, I mean, it’s a serious looking thing, but to make a roll of film?
    seems like a lot of bother..
    Does he have another machine for tapering and printing the backing paper?
    another for spooling? Another for punching sprocket holes?

    Anyway, it doesn’t look like it’s set up for the larger formats…

    A camera, you make that, then use it to make pictures, but this thing-
    I don’t know, film is a long way short of dead,
    and I wonder how much of it he’s going to have to make in order to recoup his investment.

    And if he has any time to make pictures with it.

    To me, it looks like an engineer’s project, making the film might appear to be an end in itself, the product.
    Make a camera, and when it’s finished, you use it to make pictures…

    Perhaps it’s telling that the guy who made it hasn’t taken the pictures of it himself…

    There are processes I’d like to try, wet plate collodion, for example,
    but that is a much more handmade thing, with no need for roller transport machines-
    and as soon as you coat a plate, you expose it and make a picture…

    But this- no, not for me, thank you-

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