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First Attempts

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First Attempts

  • Jonny288

    This is my first attempt at photographing birds. C&C welcome.

    Image 1

    Image 2

    Image 3

    Image 4

    Image 5

    Image 6


    Noely F

    Excellent for a first attempt considering you’re using an 18-55 lens. Dark birds on a white background take a bit of practice. The metering
    can go haywire…but all this will come with practice :wink:


    Thanks Noely F, they are some of the best from a couple hundred :lol: was experimenting as I went. It was the first time in a long time that I had time to pick up the camera. I have some better composed shots IMO but exposure was all wrong :( Hopefully I can upgrade to a better lens when I can afford it :oops:

    Noely F

    Nothing wrong with the lens, work with what you have and pick up a second hand zoom when you have the cash :wink:


    Noely F wrote:

    Nothing wrong with the lens, work with what you have and pick up a second hand zoom when you have the cash :wink:

    Thanks Noely F for the advice :D


    5 & 6 are very good shots of a fieldfare. Agree with Noely- a Sigma 70-300mm zoom would be a great start.

    Well done


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