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Still some decent folk about

  • cathald

    As you guys may know I shall be doing a 300 mile cycle this
    year in aid of children in cross fire
    I got in contact with a couple of cycle clothing manufactures
    so I could get a few jerseys made up with the charity name on them
    Most of these guys work on a min order but they wavered this rule for
    whatever order I should make and also gave a decent discount
    One Irish company whom I don’t want to name as I’m not sure if I
    am allowed to(advertising and all that)just said sent them the sizes
    and what logo’s I want on them and they are going to make them for free :D

    So in these hard financial time I just want to say thanks to these guys who I’d
    say are finding it pretty hard going(like so many other business folk)in a cutthroat market

    B.T.W I hope I am allowed to name these guys as they have been very charitable


    Let’s have the name, Cathal.

    Alan Rossiter

    BM wrote:

    Let’s have the name, Cathal.

    Yep…lets have it. Knowing the cost of these things this is quite a donation.


    well they give you stuff for free for a good cause.
    I’m sure Mark wouldn’t mind.
    i don’t


    Feel free to post up Cathal !

    miki g

    Well done to whoever they are. It’s more of this type of thing that’s what is needed in these tough times.


    Great to hear that there are still some generous people out there!!

    All for a good cause!!

    Cheers Steve

    p.s. How much you charging Mark for wearing the P.I. logo……. :D :D :D :D


    Thanks Mark I didn’t want to advertise with out your say so

    the company name is velotec sports and the person I was in contact with
    is named Padraic Quinn who I believe was a former cyclist himself
    So a big thank you to velotec sports


    Very generous indeed. And also, good luck with the charity run, Cathal!

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