I’ve been using the large one (need two flashes to light it) for the past few months and find it great.
I used to use the vinyl roll previously for my Hi-Key lighting but there’s much greater consistency with my images now with the HiLite.
One problematic area is that of lighting the floor. Lastolite recommend purchasing a vinyl train (which incidentally is the exact same material that I used on a roll), but I’d recommend purchasing a plastic white sheet if possible (although I’m having a lot of difficulty sourcing one in Galway/Mayo!!). With models standing on the floor, the vinyl train will get marked easily and quickly so the plastic would be more durable.
Some photographers seem to have trouble folding the HiLite, but if you watch the training videos on collapsing it, you really shouldn’t have a problem.
Hi John,
thanks alot for info.
They recommend lighting the floor with flash and umbrella, trying to spread the light.
Seems to be a big difference with exposure. Can you use a white cotton sheet on the floor to shoot kids and families.