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Another Protest in Athens

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Another Protest in Athens

  • mdebets

    Today was another big strike and protest in Athens again, not as big as 2 weeks ago and luckily not as violent.
    As last time, these pictures are straight out of the cam and are still waiting for PP when I come home.
    Some more pictures are on my Flickr.

    The calm before the storm

    To fully understand this picture, you have to know that behind me, the first protesters were already gathering and on the left and right (out of direct view, but visible while actually walking there), the riot police was standing.

    Some of the protesters

    Some of the police

    And his time they were talking to each other

    Even so some bottles were still flying


    Luckily? How luckily? Violent protests are the best… DonĀ“t you remember this photo from protests in 2008? Without that one drop of blood it would never win the prize.

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