I’m not sure this fits the official definition of Street, given that the people are blurred, but the people are definitely the subject of the photograph. I experimented with different shutter speeds to capture the motion and make it obvious that they were people, but not give them any real recognizable individuality.
I like the photo, i think it works well, black & white looks really good. Though I’m not sure about your premise that the people are the main subject, for me the building is the focus point. Perhaps if there has been more people, or some umbrellas, that sort of thing.
What would really improve the image is if Batman had been standing on the edge of the balcony, looking downwards. :wink:
Yeah, I suppose your right, the subject is arguably the building…it is a pretty cool building. Art deco I think? Having said that, I don’t think it works without the people to add interest in the foreground and balance the building. If it isn’t street, I’m not sure what it is…urban landscape?
Hi Doug.
This works well for me as an alternative street shot. The building as you mentioned is interesting, but the addition of the blurred figures of the people add life to the image, which would have been lost had you used a faster shutter speed or flash. Keep up the good work.