Taken in a rush with wrong camera settings, realized too late, so it´s not 100% sharp… as it wouldn´t be anyway because it was taken with 28-135, but whatever, I´ll return with a tripod and prime lens.
you’ve really captured a John Hinde feel with this, very impressive, all you need is a 4p stamp with some celtic lettering on it and then you can post it to your auntie in Sligo :-)
The settings might be wrong but all together your photo is interesting. Definitively not a postcard of course, between the lack of sharpness and the unnatural sky it creates a surreal atmosphere that I like. I would just correct the verticals.
Don’t forget that often mistakes open new doors.
So be clumsy at will and do not hesitate to post more happy mischief like this one !
There’s nothing wrong with the 28-135 lens. It’s also debatable if you need a tripod as you don’t need much DoF for this shot. Other than a bit too much colour, its a fine pic.