im hoping someone can help me, i recently bought an external hard drive so that i could place my iphoto library on it and work from there, space was a bit of a problem! i exported my iphoto to it and all was there and working fine until i try to upload new images, and it will only upload about half of the images from my camera, was saying scratch disc’s are full and now its not doing anything, i thought once id exported the library to the hard drive which is 1TB all would be fine, am i missing something??
thanks to anyone that can help
Most new external hard drives need to be formatted first. There is normally a PC utility on the hard drive which kicks in once it is attached to the PC to take you through this simple procedure.
Are you sure that iPhoto is aware of the location of the new Library. It could be that you have exported everything from your existing library to an external disc (essentially making a copy of the files) but that iPhoto is still looking at the Library in your home directory on the boot drive.
Just a thought…
P.S. I have had some terrible experiences with iPhoto (especially getting large numbers of images out when I archive them in it). You may want to consider using a tool like Adobe Lightroom as it just leaves your files on disc and doesn’t impose a weird proprietry file structure like iPhoto.