It was a beautiful day here in Galway/Mayo on Saturday.
We travelled to Castlebar for some shopping, I took the point and shoot Balda
and a roll of Shanghai100.
I took delivery recently of this guy . . . Balda Baldixette 6X6 med format [120]
Again from the mid 50’s. this is so much like a holga is frightening in so far as the mechanics.
I strongly think that the hlga was copied from this or similar viewfinder cameras of the time.
it has 2 shutter speeds M [1/60th] and B, two apertures 9 and 16. the shutter is a simple rotating disc on a spring
like the holga.
It is all of metal and the front lens pops out to the correct registry distant to the film when you want to shoot, so is
quite slim when ‘folded’.
anyway I ordered one from Canada about 6 weeks ago and I had assumed it was lost in the post so I ordered
this from France, yeaterday the original one showed up, so now I have 2