I think the foreground light (the very little you have) is a bit distracting. I think this looks great but I would burn the foreground to make it all black and not to distract from the main image.
It looks surreal! Very nice, I wouldn’t change a thing. Yes, there is a trail in the stars, foreground light (which is not so bothering) but the whole result is really really nice. I like the little constellation at the left of the moon. The composition is nice. It looks a bit SF because of the red light, but that’s OK.
It is only a titchy lighthouse, and they are flavour of the month so I wouldnt
worry :) It is a lovely shot and I would have been proud to have taken it.
Well done.
Thanks folks,
This was kinda a first for me,
Never really tried shooting after dark,
Clocks go back tonight, so plenty long nights ahead for this kinda thing.