Man, you really have to learn to edit. Most of what you post is tosh, and you post a lot. But every now and then you demontrate that you indeed have a very strong eye, such as with this example, and with a numbers of others. And they are the only pictures others will want to see, not every shot you take. You are an interesting photographer, but now learn editing – it’s as important as knowing how to use a camera.
Thanks for an advice steveb. Is there any link in this forum about editing pictures in street and documentary field? Just want to know what means lot of pictures and what means less.
Quite simply hands down the best online documentary website/magazine that exists. Some big names publish here (James Nachtway and Martin Parr being the biggest so far) If you get to view it today (11 Dec), have a look at what the editor says (The editor is a Magnum photographer) about editing on his recent Twitter feed on the right hand column.
The site will give you a sense of what works in documentary/street photography. At any rate, keep it up. I like the style your pictures are taking – loved some of the up close “Just People” shots posted this week, and some of the global village stuff was strong also – you just could have told the stories with 2-4 of the best pictures rather than along with 6 other half-assed ones. But, I guess this is one of the roles of this forum – for others to offer constructive critique so photographers can get better.